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The WisconsinCub Man Story

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:50 pm
by Hengy
Hey there all!

As you know, I have been on the forum for a while and am still "cubless". Hopefully not for long.

My name is Mike Hengelsberg, and I live in the city of La Crosse, Wisconsin along with my wife, Allison and two daughters, Lexi and Gracie. We have another one on the way...due in early October.

I found this site purely by accident and it has transported me back to my youth BIG TIME. I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and worked with my uncle Jim in his garden. It would be classified as a "truck patch" garden, but we never sold any of the produce from it. All of this went to family members. I learned to drive on the back of his late-50's-early-60's Farmall Cub. I used to mow his 5 acre field and plow and disk the garden for him (when my cousins let me do it) and had a BLAST. Well, he has passed the tractor down to his son, and bought one of the Japanese 4x4's to replace it, but at least the Cub is still in the family.

Well, fast-forward about 20 years or so to 2006. I was "playing" on the internet and thought about "Uncle Jim's tractor" and remembered that it was a Farmall Cub. Well, I did a Google Search and what did I come up with...THIS SITE!!

Thanks to the great people here, I am now RE-addicted to this little tractor, and am trying to get my wife sufficiently hooked that she will let a City boy buy a Cub of his own! I have been soaking up information here and cannot wait to dig into a cub of my own. I want to use the experience of working on and riding on a tractor with my kids to try to kindle in them a little of the joy that I had when I was a kid on the back of the tractor.

I just love these little tractors and have also grown very fond of the people on this forum who cherish them as well.

Thank you for putting up with a guy who doesn't own a Cub, but has a lot of dumb questions. You all are GREAT! :lol: :lol: :!: :!:

All the best to you,

Mike in La Crosse, WI

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:38 pm
by johnbron
:P Nice write-up Mike. I would love to see your face when you acquire your first Cub :lol: . I hope you get one in the near future.

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:34 pm
by Rudi

If Anyone deserves to have a Cub of their very own, it would be you :!: :arrow: :wink: :lol:

For someone who has such fond memories and the desire to pass those kinds of memories on to his children, it just the kind of person that needs to own one of these beauties...

Have faith and patience. It will come in time. I waited 20 years to get my first Cub, from the moment I saw my wife's uncle's Cub back in 1982.. well I was hooked. I had the chance to get a tractor or two inbetween, but I could never get over wanting a Cub..

It will come..

Greetings O Fellow Cubless one

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:52 pm
by FarmLadyWannaB
Hi Mike-- I'm so glad to find another Cub-less person here! I think my Intro is the one above yours in the topic list, so if you want you can read my saga. My husband says, 'what do we need a tractor for?!' But then he was skeptical about buying land in Maine, too, and now it's his favorite spot on earth. I'm teaching extra this summer to pay for a kitchen makeover & other fixing up, so I figure it's my money if I have some left over--and the great thing about antique tractors is that they're affordable.
Good luck! Let us know how the search goes.