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Farmall 200

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:51 pm
by Paul B
Can someone tell me what the Owners/Operator Manual specifies to use as the lubricant in the transmission/rear-end of a Farmall 200, and the quanity. Thanks in advance.

Re: Farmall 200

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:05 pm
by Jim Becker
I don't have a reference for the 200. It was in the middle of the succession of similar models C - Super C - 200 - 230 - 240 - 404. The early ones would have been factory filled with SAE 90 gear oil and the later ones with Hy-Tran. I don't know whether the switch was done by the time the 200 came along. Since the 200's Touch-Control had a separate reservoir, the transmission would be OK with either type. For the 240, the book calls out 4 3/4 gallons of Hy-Tran without PTO/pulley, 5 gallons with. The 200 would have to be close to the same. The level plug is on the right side, at the very rear.